Discipleship and disciplemaking is the cornerstone and call of the Christian life. So it's not one of the ministries of the church; it's THE ministry of the church! You can do it. We can help. Here are some resources to help you grow in your discipleship to Jesus and your ability to disciple others.
Lean into discipleship with anybody with "The Gospel
Centered Life" by Thune and Walker. If you'll agree to walk through this with someone else, you can grab your copy on Sunday mornings for free on the Welcome Table!
There will be many more steps to come as we lean into discipleship as a church. But this is a great first step.
Use this free guide to help you make the most of this book:
If you're interested in getting discipled, let us know at info@tru.church.
Another great next step toward getting discipled is plugging into a small group where these relationships most naturally form.